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Google Page Rank Python Script
This isn’t my script but I thought it would appeal to the reader of this blog. It’s a script that will lookup the Google Page Rank for any website and uses the same interface as the Google Toolbar to do it. I’d like to thank Fred Cirera for writing it and you can checkout his blog about this script here.
I’m not exactly sure what I would use this for but it might have applications for anyone who wants to do some really advanced SEO work and find a real way to accomplish Page Rank sculpting. Perhaps finding the best websites to put links on.
The reason it is such an involved bit of math is that it need to compute a checksum in order to work. It should be pretty reliable since it doesn’t involve and scraping.
Example usage:
$ python
PageRank: 10 URL:
$ python
PageRank: 9 URL:
$ python
PageRange: 3 URL:
And the script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Script for getting Google Page Rank of page
# Google Toolbar 3.0.x/4.0.x Pagerank Checksum Algorithm
# original from
# this version was adapted from
# by Corey Goldberg - 2010
# Licensed under the MIT license:
import urllib
def get_pagerank(url):
hsh = check_hash(hash_url(url))
gurl = '' % (urllib.quote(url), hsh)
f = urllib.urlopen(gurl)
rank =[9:]
except Exception:
rank = 'N/A'
if rank == '':
rank = '0'
return rank
def int_str(string, integer, factor):
for i in range(len(string)) :
integer *= factor
integer &= 0xFFFFFFFF
integer += ord(string[i])
return integer
def hash_url(string):
c1 = int_str(string, 0x1505, 0x21)
c2 = int_str(string, 0, 0x1003F)
c1 >>= 2
c1 = ((c1 >> 4) & 0x3FFFFC0) | (c1 & 0x3F)
c1 = ((c1 >> 4) & 0x3FFC00) | (c1 & 0x3FF)
c1 = ((c1 >> 4) & 0x3C000) | (c1 & 0x3FFF)
t1 = (c1 & 0x3C0) < < 4
t1 |= c1 & 0x3C
t1 = (t1 << 2) | (c2 & 0xF0F)
t2 = (c1 & 0xFFFFC000) << 4
t2 |= c1 & 0x3C00
t2 = (t2 << 0xA) | (c2 & 0xF0F0000)
return (t1 | t2)
def check_hash(hash_int):
hash_str = '%u' % (hash_int)
flag = 0
check_byte = 0
i = len(hash_str) - 1
while i >= 0:
byte = int(hash_str[i])
if 1 == (flag % 2):
byte *= 2;
byte = byte / 10 + byte % 10
check_byte += byte
flag += 1
i -= 1
check_byte %= 10
if 0 != check_byte:
check_byte = 10 - check_byte
if 1 == flag % 2:
if 1 == check_byte % 2:
check_byte += 9
check_byte >>= 1
return '7' + str(check_byte) + hash_str
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
url = ''
url = sys.argv[1]
print get_pagerank(url)