Matt Warren

Yeoman for Modern Web Design

While I’ve been delving into Django and Ruby on Rails for the last few years the world of Node.js has been maturing.

The set of command line tools that have developed around the Node.js platform has evolved tremendously.  They have escaped beyond the confines of Node.js Apps.

Yeoman brings together an app starting templating engine (yo), Grunt – a framework for command line tools, and Bower for dependancy management.

The biggest thing I have gotten from working with Yeoman is the exposure to new tools and new ways of thinking about web development.  SASS + Compass, with HTML processing.  you can tie together Jekyll for static page templating, and use bower to pull down javascript libraries without having to scour the internet for the latest versions.

Yeoman brings together all the nice things we are used to in the python and ruby world.  It’s kind of interesting to work with management dependancy for javascript libraries.



