Matt Warren

Taking Action

Being action oriented is one of the biggest differentiators I have noticed in the most productive people.  It’s amazing what you can get done in a day when you just take action to make it happen.  Even a small step can get the ball moving on a large project.

One of my partners is the most action oriented person I have ever met.  No time is ever wasted with idleness.  A car ride is a chance for brainstorming.  Every phone call is a chance to network, spread ideas and get commitment from others to meet deadlines.  It is no surprise that he has started many successful businesses and has an impressive network of connections.

It can be quite amazing what can be accomplished when you really take action and get some momentum on a project. or tasks.

Most of the time I find myself in these situations when I decide that no matter what “this is getting done today!”  Then it doesn’t matter what it is that needs to be done: clean the house, write code, write blog posts, run errands, fill out paperwork.

Taking action can also take another form.  It is a great immediate response to anything that you want to accomplish or take advantage of, but don’t yet know how.

For example. the Japanese economy is under massive strain. Debt to GDP is at unheard of levels which seem unsustainable and are at risk of a major correction ( think Iceland or Greece x 100 ).  Knowing this you might want to ask yourself what actionable steps you could take to profit off of a default on Japanese debts.

This frame of thought, to always think about what you can do is a key differentiator with the most accomplished people I know.



