Matt Warren

Programming Deliberate Practice

For software developers there is an unhealthy prevailing belief that being a great programmer is some innate skill that others have. Brilliance with developing code is difficult to train for because it either requires some gift you don’t have or years of on the job experience.  There is a large amount of impostor syndrome within the community which is not healthy or productive.

Of course people who are top developers know that it takes a lot of hard work to understand core concepts. It helps to have a mentor and a solid education and access to training.

There is a tactic to getting better which more programmers should be using.  Deliberate practice is the most critical aspect to improving any craft and programming software is not an exception.  Like playing piano or painting or ceramics there is creativity and technical skill which can be improved on with deliberate practice.

If you want to get better at your craft it is not good enough to simply work on job tasks. For work you typically do something once and then it’s done, there’s few opportunities for repetition and critical evaluation.  If you were learning to play piano and you had a sheet of music the equivalent to developer workflow would be to play through the song once, stopping to go back and fix your mistakes then when you finished you’d put the song away move on to a new song.  Practising piano requires playing the same song hundreds of times, you start by playing and focusing on not making mistakes, when that is accomplished there is still practice at making the song sound good with appropriate pedal usage, tempo and dynamic, and finally when that is good enough you can continue to practice the same song and add your own touches – arpeggios, slurs, delays etc.

How many times have you implemented a deck of cards?  Can you write one top to bottom without looking up examples on stack overflow, or querying the documentation or searching through code completion lists? Could you write a deck of cards in a procedural, functional and object oriented styles?  Could you meta program a deck of cards? Could you make a deck that is thread safe? distributed? Web scale? Obfuscated?

Practice. Do it often, and do it deliberately.




