Matt Warren

Maintaining Focus and Passion

My current side project is a bit bigger in scope than I had imagined when I set out my goals at the beginning of the year. With any large project it can be difficult to stay focused and passionate about continuing to work on it.

For this project, the more I think about it, the more excited I get about the possibilities.

One of the keys has been to set aside time to think about it more deeply.  I have been going for regular walks alone for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to wander and wonder.  This is something I mentioned a few posts ago, but it’s worth re-iterating just how effective it has been to help me resolve things and further develop ideas and attachment to the vision.  Without these walks this project would have died weeks ago, instead it is getting closer and closer to being ready to launch.

For the right project you want to keep working on it late into the night, and that’s what I have been doing these last few weeks.

Often times in life we find ourselves in a reactionary mode.  Emails come in and we deal with those, kids fall or whine and we deal with that situation, something is on TV and we focus on that. In business we know that reactionary mode is not very productive – instead of fighting fires at every turn you should be building on new ideas, expanding visions and problem solving how to make them a reality.

You need to carve out space to do that and walking alone for 30 minutes allows you to be in control over your own agenda, your own thoughts for just enough time to bubble up new connections.




