Matt Warren

More Exercise Needed

Since I stopped running due to ankle pain several years ago nothing has really filled the void of regular exercise to keep me fit and healthy. Every now and then I do use percussion massage guns to ease my back pain, but the pain due to no exercise just comes back. For several months now I’ve been more conscious of the aches and pains and generally feeling kind of gross.

So as I start to shift into a new daily pattern of running my own business a ritual of exercise will have to be a more important aspect of my lifestyle which is why I have already begun going through the articles such as how to swim faster? And what to do about back pain? All available on HealthWriting website written by the fitness professionals of the world. Starting with a morning run or bike ride, and followed by some body weight exercises – pull-ups, pushups, dips, etc.

I’ve been working from home for over 2 years and slowly the act of sleeping in has destroyed my mornings so I’m starting to take them back. And dedicate that time to getting a workout done before the heat of the day arrives.

My best advice for having a good morning:

  • No phones or tablets in the bedroom – If I can’t tell the time it makes me unsettled and I’ll be more likely to get up to check
  • Leave the phone & alarm in another room. Generally I wake up before the alarm anyway, this forces me to get up and go find my phone
  • Have things I need for morning exercise ready the night before – especially important in the winter when it’s dark out and annoying to fumble around finding things
  • Go to bed early



